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Ilustración HC Fertility

Preservation of fertility

As fertility decreases with age, freezing your eggs while you are young increases your chances of having a child in the future.

Women can have a pregnancy in their forties, because the uterus is suitable for gestation (much more than the ovules). However, the ovaries and the oocytes have a “Date of Expiry”.

The freezing of the ovules (cryopreservation) is carried out using cryoprotectants, and liquid nitrogen; which maintain the integrity of the ovule, once frozen, they are kept at an extremely cold temperature (-196ºC) so that, over time, there is no deterioration in the quality of the ovules. The cryopreserved ovules can be stored for the desired time, although gestation is not advisable after 50 years of age.

If you no longer need your eggs because you have become a mother naturally you can give your consent to eliminate them or even donate them.

It is advisable to freeze ovules from women who wish to delay motherhood for professional or personal reasons, who wish to delay the time of having children until they find the right partner or who prefer to freeze eggs instead of embryos for ethical or religious reasons. In addition, for women who are diagnosed with cancer and wish to have the option of having children in the future it is recommended to freeze their eggs before undergoing surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, as these damage the quality of the ovules.

Over the years, women face several facts. In the first place, women are born with a certain number of ovules that are used up over time. Second, the highest fertility peak is between 18 and 25 years old.  Third, at the age of 40, the average fertility rate decreases to around 15% compared to the age of 25. Fourth, there is a greater risk that the child will be born with a chromosomal abnormality if the mother is over 40. And finally, as the woman ages, the number of ovules decreases, and their quality deteriorates. Consequently, due to the lower number of ovules, there is less chance of getting pregnant and, as the quality is not optimal, there is a higher incidence of abnormal embryos, which causes more spontaneous abortions.

For these reasons, taking measures to protect your fertility while your eggs are still healthy allows you to have more options and prolongs the time during which you can conceive, which can combat emotional distress.

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