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Ilustración HC Fertility

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

This treatment consists in the chromosomal or genetic analysis of the embryos, so that we detect the presence of anomalies or diseases. Prior to the analysis, a study will be carried out by the medical team, the couple will be asked for genetic tests (karyotype), the family history will be studied and finally the reason for performing a PGD will be diagnosed.

This technique is indicated in cases of:

- Repeat abortions
- Advanced maternal age
- Previous FIV failures
- Low seminal quality
- Altered karyotype
- Monogenic diseases

The treatment is carried out as a complement to the ICSI treatment. Once we have the embryos in development, they will be biopsied and analyzed genetically before being transferred to the woman’s uterus. The biopsy can be done in D3 of embryonic development, where we will analyze an embryo cell or in D5 where we will analyze a few cells from the trophoectoderm. Later this cell or trophoectoderm will be analyzed and the embryos will be frozen waiting for a diagnostic result.

Once we have the result of the analysis, we will report to the patients and plan an endometrial preparation treatment. To do this, medication is administered that helps to achieve a sufficient thickness of the endometrium, which is very important for the implantation of the embryo to take place. Once the endometrium is prepared, it will proceed to the thawing and transfer into the uterus of the healthy embryos, free of any chromosomal alteration or genetic disease, increasing in this way the probability of pregnancy.

If you have several healthy embryos, those that are not transferred will remain frozen.

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