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Ilustración HC Fertility


Wanting but not being able to

There is a word that clearly defines the workings and dynamics of the HC Fertility centre: humanity. Our team is comprised of different types of professionals, but above all, we are people who care about people.

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Oocyte donation

Oocyte donation is an altruistic, confidential, and financially compensated act, in which a woman gives her oocytes to another woman or couple to be used for assisted reproduction treatments in women who have a medical indication for oocyte donation.

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The importance of Reproductive Medicine today

Nowadays, we all have family or friends who have undoubtedly had to resort to assisted reproduction to achieve a pregnancy. It is even quite likely that many of you who are reading this have gone through treatment yourselves or are thinking of visiting a specialist.

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July 25th, ‘World Embyologist Day’

On July 25th we celebrate the ‘World Embyologist Day’ and HC Marbella would like to congratulate all embryologists for their dedication, effort and work. For being with you, helping you and accompanying you on your way to motherhood and the fulfilment of your dream.

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Our patients say

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