Logotipo HC Fertility
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Ilustración HC Fertility


It is a basic diagnostic test that gives us information about seminal quality. In this way, taking into account this information together with other medical information of the couple, our specialists will be able to advise on which treatment would be the most appropriate for your case.

Through the seminogram we study the seminal quality from the macroscopic point of view (volume, viscosity, liquefaction, among others) and microscopic (concentration, mobility and morphology), comparing them later with reference values of the World Health Organization.

To value that a semen is normal, the most important parameters are:

- The volume, which must be above 1.5ml
- The concentration, which must be greater than 15 million / ml.
- Mobility, with 32% or more sperm that move well.
- The morphology, with 4% of normal forms.

When there are alterations in some of those values we speak of:

- Hypospermia, when the volume is low.
- Oligozoospermia, when the concentration is low.
- Astenozoospermia, when mobility is low.
- Teratozoospermia, when the morphology is altered.